Grid Consultancy

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Grid Consultancy

Whether enabling utility scale power plants, adding generation or battery storage to a site, developing properties or deploying electric vehicle chargepoints – getting the right grid connection at the right cost and safeguarding and securing your grid rights is vital.

Our high-level of grid expertise, independent approach and finely-honed systems and processes, ensures you get the best chance of achieving an appropriate and viable connection at the lowest cost and allows your energy projects to proceed.

Philip Bale, Network Engineer

What we do

  • Appraise sites to establish connection options and costs
  • Draw up, submit and manage connection applications, appraise and challenge connection offers, and manage offer acceptance and milestone compliance

  • Secure and monetise grid rights safely

  • Project manage connections including liaising with your Distribution Network Operator and Independent Connection Provider (ICP) selection and management

  • Advise on flexible and constrained connections including connections under Active Network Management

  • Explore and design microgrids, island networks or private wire arrangements

Grid Connection Services

Projects we help

Grid Connection Services
  • Utility-scale renewables, flexible generation, and energy storage schemes

  • Local energy supply options for property developments

  • On-site generation and/or storage

  • Increasing a site’s import capacity

  • Utility-scale or behind-the-meter electric vehicle charging

Our Experts

Our team has over 100 years of deep grid and expertise in grid connections, design and project management. Our specialists work as one strong team to deliver the very best outcomes for our clients.

How can we help?

Contact Us from Services pages