Connections reform on the route to Net Zero
20 July 2023
Thank you for requesting our webinar – we hope you enjoy it!
The running time is just over one hour.
- Opening remarks – Ana Musat, Renewable UK (chair)
- Connections reform update – James Norman, Head of Connections Reform, National Grid ESO
- What are the networks doing? – David Boyer, Director, Electricity Systems, ENA
- The developer’s view, – Tom Steward, Senior Regulatory Affairs Manager, RWE Offshore Wind
- What do you need to be thinking about? – Catherine Cleary, Specialist Connections Engineer, Roadnight Taylor
- Q&A discussion
Imagining your life with a Roadnight Taylor Connectologist® in it?
Our team of elite Connectologists has a connection success rate some five times greater than the market as whole. Their results speak for themselves, which is why we look after many of the UK’s leading developers and investors – including British Land, Segro, the Crown Estate, Centrica, Octopus, Lightsource BP, Vattenfall, Orsted and Statkraft to name but a few – as well as intensive energy users and local authorities.
The Connectologists have hands-on technical, commercial and regulatory experience of the highest order. They are tenacious, diligent, self-assured and professional – and they could be on your side.