Hugh Taylor – News, Views and Projects

Articles, videos, webinars and podcasts written by or involving Hugh Taylor.

5 Must-Dos before making an investment in on-site solar PV

2024-02-26T12:13:15+00:0003 September, 2019|Commercial & Industrial, Farms & Estates, Feasibility Studies, News, Public Sector|

We are increasingly being asked by clients to assess quotations from renewable energy installers. We've found several common issues with our clients’ approaches and, more worryingly, with the contractors they are employing to install schemes.

Interested in energy schemes? Check grid capacity

2022-07-18T11:13:59+00:0005 June, 2019|Commercial & Industrial, Farms & Estates, Feasibility Studies, News|

Press release: Landowners interested in securing income from energy schemes should not be put off by an apparent lack of grid capacity.  Grid availability is changing all the time, with success often depending on timing.

Large-scale solar back on track for rural estates

2022-09-14T12:35:52+00:0005 April, 2019|Farms & Estates, Feasibility Studies, News|

Press release: Developing large-scale solar parks is becoming viable again, particularly for rural estates looking to invest. Our CEO gives his views, along with the lending perspective from the head of landed-estates at Barclays, and the tax benefits from Old Mill Accountants.

Failure to check energy potential of land could cost millions

2022-09-14T12:35:00+00:0013 December, 2018|Farms & Estates, Feasibility Studies, News|

Press release: Land agents and farmers buying and selling land should ensure they check the potential for energy projects before proceeding, to avoid missing out on valuable contracts.

The return of the large-scale standalone solar market

2022-07-18T11:59:55+00:0025 September, 2018|Commercial & Industrial, Energy Developers, Farms & Estates, Feasibility Studies, News, Public Sector|

As solar technology prices decrease and energy prices increase, we are at a tipping point in the large-scale solar market. With opportunities returning, large-scale solar, located with or without batteries, can offer landowners with the right sites a strong diversification income.

Beware developers off-loading grid connection rights, warns Roadnight Taylor

2024-02-26T14:27:53+00:0030 July, 2018|Farms & Estates, Feasibility Studies, Grid Consultancy, News|

Press release: Landowners should be cautious of offers to buy grid connection rights for battery storage schemes. No matter what the situation or the fee, there can be substantial financial obligations within accepted grid offers - and the site may not even be viable.

Get in or miss out, warns Roadnight Taylor

2024-02-26T12:08:46+00:0008 June, 2018|Farms & Estates, Feasibility Studies, News|

Press release: Landowners who are considering generating or storing energy should act fast before grid capacity runs out. The electrical grid is heavily constrained with some areas having only pockets of capacity remaining. So even where a site has good planning and access attributes, it may not be able to get a grid connection which stops a project in its tracks.

13 Do’s and Don’ts for securing lucrative ground rents from energy schemes

2022-04-06T09:00:27+00:0015 May, 2018|Commercial & Industrial, Farms & Estates, Feasibility Studies, News, Public Sector|

There are opportunities for landowners to earn diversification incomes from power generation and energy storage schemes. We give some tips to ensure you secure the best ground rents from hosting such schemes.

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