Grid news and views episode #3


Our team of Connectologists® return for a third podcast in their ‘Grid news and views’ series to discuss some of the most important updates in their field.

In this episode our influential connection specialists, among other news, discuss the latest intervention from the ENA and Ofgem regarding the treatment of storage.

Additionally, the podcast addresses a range of topical threads:

  1. Changes to the planning regime for onshore wind, and whether they are significant enough to cause a rush of connection applications in England – or even cancellations
  2. The Electricity Networks Commissioner’s (Nick Winser) report on accelerating electricity transmission network deployment
  3. The ENA’s ‘Technical Limits’ initiative and how this may enable some embedded connections ahead of transmission reinforcements
  4. Moves to make landowner consent a requirement in transmission applications
  5. Some CUSC mods for storage developers and investors to be aware of

Recorded 6 September 2023

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