Grid Connections Reform – an update, May 2024

Nine months after National Grid ESO launched its Connections Reform consultation to make the connections process fit for the future – and six months after Rishi Sunak announced that he’d end the first-come-first-served approach to grid connections – what progress has been made? Find out from three of the Connectologists® – Catherine Cleary, Pete Aston and Nikki Pillinger.

Get up to speed on:

  • the update, so far, on Connections Reform
  • progress on queue management and letters of authority
  • the impact on both distribution and transmission projects
  • and more…

Don’t miss this opportunity to:

  • Gain clarity on the evolving connections landscape
  • Learn how to steer through the system for a smoother connection process
  • Hear our experts answer questions from the audience

If you would like a link to the webinar recording, please send us your email address by filling in the box below. 

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Webinar request - Grid Connections Reform May 2024

Contact us

We’re only a small team, but our passion for helping overcome barriers to grid connections to help society decarbonise and thrive is big! We can’t help everyone directly, so we love to share the knowledge, expertise and insight of our connections specialists – the Connectologists® – in our free resources such as these webinars, and our podcasts and articles. 

To find out if we can help you with your grid connection projects, please get in touch. Call us on 01993 830571 or send us a message via our contact form.