Public Sector
Reducing energy costs and carbon emissions, and meeting the demands of the public

With rising energy costs, a focus on the reducing carbon emissions, and a growing use of electric vehicles (EVs), the public sector and local authorities must take a strategic look at their energy use and EV chargepoint deployment.
Our independent advice can help reduce energy costs and carbon emissions using energy or heat technologies, while our high-level grid expertise can enable cost-effective grid connection and EV chargepoint deployment for council properties, car parks and transport depots.
Our appointment to the Crown Commercial Service’s Heat Networks and Electricity Generation Assets (HELGA) agreement, allows public sector bodies to procure from us easily and with confidence.
Some of our public sector projects
20MW demand for a Local Authority in Cambridgeshire
Landholding portfolio feasibility study for 59 sites for demand for a partnership of councils, business and academia
Landholding portfolio feasibility study for 86 sites for a Central Government Body
Landholding portfolio feasibility study for 7 sites for a leading water utility
100MW wind for a Local Authority in Bedfordshire
Landholding portfolio feasibility study for 4,088 sites for Central Bedfordshire Council
57MW battery storage for a local authority in Bedfordshire
41MW demand for a Local Authority in Cambridgeshire
Landholding portfolio feasibility study for 390 sites for a county council in the South of England
Talk to us
We’d love to talk to you see how we can help you make more from energy. Please give us a call or email us.