Connections Reform queue management – milestones calculator
To support the Connections Reform consultation, Roadnight Taylor has developed a draft version of a Queue Management Milestone Calculator. This allows a comparison between the milestones introduced this year under CMP376 and the proposed new milestones.
This is a draft and has been shared to aid comparison and visibility only during the Connections Reform consultation period.
Developed by Kyle Murchie – expert grid connections engineer
Before joining Roadnight Taylor, Kyle led grid engineering teams and influential roles at SSEN Transmission, SSE Thermal, Electricity North West, UK Power Networks and TNEI Services. Kyle has headed engineering development of projects individually expected to represent investments of up to £1 billion, while leading the grid aspects of projects up to the value of circa £400m through delivery and commissioning. Kyle is supporting Renewable UK with the Connections Reform work.
Updated 28 October 2024
File updated 28/10/24
This version changes the date which sets forward looking milestones from the Signed Acceptance of Gate 2 Offer Date to Gate 2 Offer Issued Date.
RT Queue Management Tool_CMP434 V0.7 (and its predecessors RT Queue Management Tool_CMP434 V0.3, V.05 and V.06) is a draft version and should only be used to support understanding. No commercial decisions should be made on the results; the planning types and timeframes could change significantly ahead of any implementation of the Connection Reform proposals under CMP434 and CMP435.
The Tool is subject to further change.
Roadnight Taylor provide the information contained within this document for reference purposes only.
Roadnight Taylor are not responsible for its accuracy or end use. no liability is accepted by Roadnight Taylor Limited for any loss, damage, expenses, charges or costs arising as a result of any decision, action or inaction of the applicable party or any other missed opportunities whatsoever arising from this Queue Management Tool, its content, use or interpretation.
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