Connectology Webinar

Webinar: Grid connection feasibility studies (distribution)
A step-by-step method for super-high rates of success

01 June 2023

The running time is one hour


The first of the key factors that underpins Roadnight Taylor’s extraordinary success-rate in High and Extra High Voltage connection applications – some five times that of the market as a whole at distribution level – is that it puts applications in on the right parts of the network. Second, a truly valuable feasibility study will also identify the network opportunity – what would need to be true for such a connection to be technically and commercially feasible and for it to be approved by the network operator.

In this interactive webinar, two Specialist Connections Engineers – Pete Aston and Philip Bale – set out the incremental steps that they take, as Roadnight Taylor Connectologists® in seeking to make a project work on any given part of the network.

The tiers of know-how that they will layer on top of one-another in the webinar should give every developer of larger schemes – no matter how limited or high their level of expertise – some valuable take-aways. Further, it will give Development Directors vital knowledge to help them better recruit and manage in-house or external grid resource.

Link to podcast introducing this webinar

Our Connectology® Explainers:

Transmission and distribution networks for newbies
What affects deliverability of a cable route?
What is active network management?
What is voltage regulation and tap changer risk?
What is network complexity?
What is fault level?
What is fault level headroom?
What is a high cost cap?

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  • Connections Reform - where to invest now

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