Connectology Webinar

Grid Connections Reform #4

29 January 2025

The running time is one hour


Our previous Connections Reform Updates #1, #2, and #3 each drew over 300 participants and garnered some 250 subsequent downloads — including system and network operators, trade bodies, energy developers and investors, large energy users, government representatives, regulators, leading law firms, and real estate investors and advisors.

With significant developments since November, and new layers of complexity introduced to NESO’s methodologies, this fourth instalment attracted an equally impressive audience with over 400 registering.

Connectologists® Pete Aston, Catherine Cleary, and Kyle Murchie hold a fully interactive session as they explore and debate key questions in grid connections reform.

Background links for this webinar:

Link to NESO webinar 22/01/2025:

Gate 2 Methodology:

Project Designation Methodology:

CNDM Methodology:

Pause on connections letter:

Watch more of our latest webinars

  • Connections Reform - where to invest now

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