Connectology Webinar

Grid Connections Reform #3

07 November 2024

The running time is one hour, eight minutes


Our Connections Reform Update #1 and #2 each had around 300 participants from system and network operators, trade bodies, energy developers, large energy demand users, and leading law firms and real estate agents. This Update #3 had equally impressive delegates with a record number of delegate questions.

A lot has happened since our webinar in July, and coming hot on the heels of NESO’s proposals for Clean Power 2030 (CP30) Plan Alignment, our Connectologists Pete Aston, Catherine Cleary and Kyle Murchie answer a number of key points, including:

  • What has changed since our last webinar in July?
  • What are the updated proposals for Gate 2 criteria?
  • What does CP30 actually mean? How can I understand if my project is ‘needed’?
  • How will the connections queue be realigned to the CP30 pathways?
  • What needs to happen between now and 2030?
  • What industry engagement will be happening?

Links mentioned in this webinar:

Draft – NESO Connections Reform Data Impact Assessment v0.02

Follow up podcast on the unanswered questions

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