Nikki Pillinger – News, Views and Projects
Articles, videos, webinars and podcasts written by or involving Nikki Pillinger, Specialist Connections Manager at Roadnight Taylor.
Articles, videos, webinars and podcasts written by or involving Nikki Pillinger, Specialist Connections Manager at Roadnight Taylor.
The Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) Register is a record of generation projects that hold contracts for Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) with National Grid ESO
The Embedded Capacity Register (ECR) is a list of energy generation projects (1MW or bigger) connected or contracted-to-connect to the electricity distribution networks (embedded).
In this podcast our Connectologists discuss the recent connections reform output from National Grid ESO and the Energy Networks Association, as well as Ofgem's open letter on future reform to the electricity connections process.
We discuss National Grid's call for expressions of interest from contracted connection customers whose connection dates have been impacted by transmission reinforcement works requirements. The deadline for responses is 30 April 2023.
Recent changes to charging rules make it essential to properly define when demand is‘final’, as in used onsite, and what was ‘non-final’ and due to be exported back into the network.
Third Party Works are works which are associated with a connection being made directly onto the electricity transmission network but which must first be carried out downstream on an electricity distribution network which it will be impacting.
Request a link for our free webinar to hear our Connectologists® identify the opportunities, risks, and how to come out on top in the Significant Code Review (SCR) 'game'
Pete Aston hosts a festive chat with two of our other Connectologists®, Philip Bale and Nikki Pillinger, to find out what they would like the networks and DNOs to receive for Christmas.
The difference between network reinforcement and network extension can seem trivial but it makes a massive difference to how new schemes are charged.
Request a recording of our free webinar to hear our Connectologists® explain the common challenges in getting permission to connect electric fleets to the grid – and how to overcome them.