Grid Strategy

Grid Strategy
Any significant network infrastructure investment envisaged for a complex project should be considered carefully – and well in advance of a connection application being submitted. A complex demand-driven masterplan encompassing large-scale housing and commercial development, or a multi-technology or multi-site low carbon technology project, for example, might be addressed in any number of technical or commercial ways – and within a complex and often ambiguous regulatory framework which is open to interpretation.
Missing this step may cost you dearly, and may leave you kicking yourself as unintended consequences of a myopic approach begin to emerge.
Pete Aston, Specialist Connections Engineer
What we offer

What you get
You get an unrivalled team which combines a track record of delivering grid procurement strategies for a number of £multi-billion infrastructure projects, responsibility in senior management roles within DNOs for issuing thousands of HV and EHV connection offers and managing the relationship with National Grid across the transmission boundary – and interpreting the Electricity (Connection Charges) Regulations (ECCR) on a daily basis.
You get the peace of mind that all appropriate options for progressing with an infrastructure investment have been identified, considered and explained – and that you won’t get any career-defining surprises months or years after you make your decision.
Our Experts
Our team has over 100 years of deep grid expertise in many technologies and sectors. Our expert, independent and unique approach gives you the best possible chance of maximising your success.