Nikki Pillinger – News, Views and Projects

Articles, videos, webinars and podcasts written by or involving Nikki Pillinger,  Specialist Connections Manager at Roadnight Taylor.

Webinar: Grid-consenting your behind-the-meter ambitions

2022-11-24T10:43:40+00:0017 October, 2022|Connectology, Connectology Insight, News & Connectology|

A webinar on the common challenges in getting permission to connect large-scale, on-site generation and storage to the grid - and how to overcome them

1_Webinar_Request: Grid consenting your behind the meter ambitions

2024-10-31T14:04:20+00:0005 October, 2022|Webinar|

Request a link for our free webinar to hear our Connectologists® explain the common challenges in getting permission to connect large-scale, on-site generation and storage to the grid – and how to overcome them.

Nikki Pillinger joins Roadnight Taylor as our fourth Connectologist®

2022-09-20T08:16:20+00:0029 June, 2022|Commercial & Industrial, Energy Developers, Featured, Grid Consultancy, News, Public Sector|

Find out more about Nikki Pillinger, former grid connections manager at British Solar Renewables and GRIDSERVE, and her reasons why she joined Roadnight Taylor. Our CEO, Hugh Taylor, also explains why Nikki is a perfect fit for the Roadnight Taylor team.

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