Hugh Taylor – News, Views and Projects

Articles, videos, webinars and podcasts written by or involving Hugh Taylor.

Our CEO’s insight on Connections Reform

2024-06-17T13:52:39+00:0004 June, 2024|Commercial & Industrial, Energy Developers, Grid Consultancy, Public Sector, Published Articles|

Connections Reform - what do you need to know? With radical change fast approaching, our CEO Hugh Taylor shared his insight with Current±.

Current± highlights the growth in our Due Diligence service

2024-05-21T13:28:45+00:0021 May, 2024|Commercial & Industrial, Energy Developers, Grid Consultancy, Public Sector, Published Articles|

Current has highlighted our surge in demand for our due diligence service which helps investors understand the grid connection risks in the projects they are acquiring.

Roadnight Taylor announces huge growth for grid risk services

2024-07-29T16:18:59+00:0013 May, 2024|Commercial & Industrial, Grid Consultancy, News|

We've had an extraordinary surge in demand for its due diligence service that helps investors understand the grid connection risks in the projects they are acquiring.

Webinar: Understanding outage risks (distribution)

2023-07-13T08:37:38+00:0013 July, 2023|Connectology, Connectology Insight, News & Connectology|

On this webinar with Q&A, Pete Aston and Philip Bale share their insight into outage risks to help you understand projects’ abnormal running risks, and how to mitigate them

Webinar: Grid Connection Feasibility Studies (distribution)

2023-06-01T14:29:27+00:0001 June, 2023|Connectology, Connectology Insight, News & Connectology|

On this webinar with Q&A, Pete Aston and Philip Bale will set out the incremental steps that they take, as Roadnight Taylor Connectologists® in seeking to make a project work on any given part of the network.

Podcast: The grid connection feasibility studies webinar – who should tune in, when and why

2024-02-26T13:56:01+00:0009 May, 2023|Connectology, Connectology Insight, News & Connectology, Podcasts|

Hugh Taylor explains why our Connectologists®have volunteered to share so much feasibility know-how in a webinar, how they will do so on the day - and who will get the most out of the webinar

Webinar: NGESO securities and liabilities: insights for success and risk management in grid connections

2024-02-26T14:02:06+00:0009 March, 2023|Connectology, Connectology Insight, News & Connectology|

On this webinar with Q&A, Catherine Cleary and Pete Aston gave energy scheme investment and development directors insight into NGESO securities and liabilities methodologies, and the how to achieve success and manage risk

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