Explainers – Connectology®
Explanations on the technical terms relating to electricity network and grid connections, including both advanced explainers for network professionals – and less advanced for ‘network newbies’.
Explanations on the technical terms relating to electricity network and grid connections, including both advanced explainers for network professionals – and less advanced for ‘network newbies’.
We explain what is Category B Active Network Management (ANM) and what it means for some proposed grid connection projects.
We illustrate tertiary windings and connections, and explain why they are so popular for connections.
Statement of Works, Appendix G, Project Progressions and Modification Applications - what are they and what is the difference? And what are the implications for new generation connections?
We explain what is network curtailment, how it is calculated, and how you can seek further help to understand potential curtailment on your project.
Intertripping has been used for decades to help manage the network. A soft intertrip is a more recent modification of the standard intertrip. This article explains what a soft intertrip does.
We explore the rating of the network for demand and the headroom for new demand connections.
We help explain voltage regulation and tap changer risk.
We highlight some of the main challenges to installing an underground cable and delivering the cable route for an energy project
We look at how far a site can be from an EHV network, and at what point it might become unviable
What explain what is meant by circuit rating and the impact on developers looking to connect new demand, generation or energy storage projects