National Grid’s Call For Expressions of Interest – What you should know, before it’s too late…
In this connectology® podcast, two of Roadnight Taylor’s Connectologists® (Catherine Cleary and Nikki Pillinger) discuss National Grid’s time-limited step towards addressing the long grid connection timescales – some as late as 2037 – that are frustrating the UK’s clean growth aspirations. The ESO has called for expressions of interest from contracted connection customers – importantly, at both distribution and transmission – whose connection dates have been impacted by transmission reinforcement works requirements. The extended deadline for responses is 15 May 2023.
If you have an accepted offer at transmission – or have a distribution-level offer that has been negatively impacted by a formal transmission impact assessment (statement of works, project progression, mod app, Appendix G, or whatever language you prefer) then this should be of interest to you. Have a listen and then, if appropriate, find the link to the ESO’s expressions of interest form in the link below.
Recorded: 13 April 2023
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