Early de-risking of grid connection offers – what to look for
Grid offers come with a long list of caveats that over the course of the development process need to be worked through and clarified to avoid pitfalls and delays. Here, we highlight common elements of the post-acceptance process that can catch some developers out.
What is the Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) Register?
The Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) Register is a record of generation projects that hold contracts for Transmission Entry Capacity (TEC) with National Grid ESO
What is the Embedded Capacity (ECR) Register?
The Embedded Capacity Register (ECR) is a list of energy generation projects (1MW or bigger) connected or contracted-to-connect to the electricity distribution networks (embedded).
What is final and non-final demand?
Recent changes to charging rules make it essential to properly define when demand is‘final’, as in used onsite, and what was ‘non-final’ and due to be exported back into the network.
What are third party works in grid connections?
Third Party Works are works which are associated with a connection being made directly onto the electricity transmission network but which must first be carried out downstream on an electricity distribution network which it will be impacting.
Nikki Pillinger joins Roadnight Taylor as our fourth Connectologist®
Find out more about Nikki Pillinger, former grid connections manager at British Solar Renewables and GRIDSERVE, and her reasons why she joined Roadnight Taylor. Our CEO, Hugh Taylor, also explains why Nikki is a perfect fit for the Roadnight Taylor team.