Connectology Webinar

Top 10 lessons learnt from red flag due diligence

Grid connection due diligence provides a valuable lens through which to view the strengths and weaknesses of an accepted connection offer, and to understand the decision-making by the developer and the network operator that has forged them. The Connectologists® at Roadnight Taylor have amassed a high volume of current experience supporting clients’ acquisitions – both at transmission and at distribution.

Join some of them in this interactive webinar to see if their learning-points can be applied to your energy, real estate, industrial or datacentre development projects.

grid due diligence

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We’re only a small team, but our passion for helping overcome barriers to grid connections to help society decarbonise and thrive is big! We can’t help everyone directly, so we love to share the knowledge, expertise and insight of our connections specialists – the Connectologists® – in our free resources such as these webinars, and our podcasts and articles. 

To find out if we can help you with your grid connection projects, please get in touch. Call us on 01993 830571 or send us a message via our contact form.