Podcast: Grid News and Views #6

2024-02-12T16:36:38+00:0012 February, 2024|Connectology, Connectology Insight, News & Connectology, Podcasts|

In this Grid News and Views episode of the Connectology® Podcast, Roadnight Taylor's Pete Aston hosts colleagues Nikki Pillinger, Philip Bale and Kyle Murchie as they discuss National Grid ESO and the DNOs' progress with the Technical Limits initiative, and more...

Podcast: Grid News and Views #5

2024-01-04T14:23:15+00:0004 January, 2024|Connectology, Connectology Insight, News & Connectology, Podcasts|

In this Grid news and views’ episode, Pete Aston hosts colleagues Catherine Cleary, Philip Bale and Kyle Murchie, as they discuss National Grid ESO's progress with two-step offers, when this will come to an end and more...

Podcast: Transmission milestones

2024-02-26T13:57:06+00:0020 December, 2023|Connectology, Connectology Insight, News & Connectology, Podcasts|

On this podcast, three of Roadnight Taylor’s elite connections engineers – Connectologists® Catherine Cleary, Pete Aston and Kyle Murchie – explore connection offer milestones at transmission

Kyle Murchie joins the Roadnight Taylor team

2023-12-11T16:25:25+00:0011 December, 2023|Energy Developers, Featured, Grid Consultancy, News|

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Kyle Murchie who joins from SSEN Transmission, where he was manager of a multi-disciplinary engineering team within the Project Engineering department.

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