Roadnight Taylor becomes certified B Corp

We are excited to announce our status as a Certified B Corporation and we have officially joined the UK’s B Corporation movement.

We have achieved an overall B Impact Score of 83.5, while the median score for ordinary businesses which complete the B Impact Assessment currently stands at 50.9.

Hugh Taylor, CEO, said: “We are delighted that we are now B Corp certified. Sustainability has always been at the heart of everything we do at Roadnight Taylor, it is simply how we operate as a business deeply committed to positive impact.

“Businesses acting as forces for good and doing the right thing should be the norm, not the exception. By demonstrating our B Corp credentials, we see ourselves as adding another little nudge to the powerful momentum that this important movement is building. It is our privilege to join forces alongside so many other ambassadors for change.

“I am very pleased to see our commitment to running a responsible, sustainable business for people and planet recognised with this certification, and would like to give special thanks to our team and to B Lab UK.

“I would also like to thank our clients for supporting our work, which includes our technical specialists acting as industry and government advisors on some of the most pressing issues in clean energy, and demonstrating that a greener, fairer future is within reach when we work together towards a common goal.”

Achieving B Corp status means that B Lab UK has externally verified Roadnight Taylor as adhering to high standards in social and environmental performance, and transparency and accountability. We were not required to make any changes to its business as part of the verification process.

B Lab is a non-profit network which is dedicated to transforming the global economy to benefit people, communities and the planet. Today, the UK is home to more than 2,000 B Corps, while globally there are more than 8,900 B Corps across 101 countries.

Visit our B Corp profile for more information.

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To find out more about our services, call us on 01993 830571 or send us a message via our contact form.