
Webinar: Register – Last chance to secure your demand grid connection?

By |10 February, 2025|Connectology, Featured, Webinar|

Are you a data centre, hydrogen electrolyser or industry looking to decarbonise? If yes, is March your last chance to secure a grid connection offer in 2025? With NESO set to pause applications for demand connections at transmission, the context for getting connection strategies right has rarely been more pressing.

Webinar Request: Grid Connections Reform #4 – January 2025

By |30 January, 2025|Connectology, Featured, Webinar|

With significant Grid Connections Reform developments since our last webinar in November, this fourth interactive instalment explored and debated key connections reform topics and answered audience questions

Webinar Request: Grid Connections Reform: where to invest in your projects now?

By |31 May, 2024|Connectology, Featured, Webinar|

With several month to Connections Reform implementation this webinar will help developers gain insight to help them navigate important but complex project decisions

Webinar Request: Top 10 lessons learnt from red flag due diligence

By |07 February, 2024|Connectology, Webinar|

Join this interactive webinar to see how our learning-points from conducting grid connection due diligence can be applied to your energy, real estate, industrial or datacentre development projects.

Webinar Request: Mission critical grid connections

By |20 September, 2023|Connectology, Featured, Webinar|

On this webinar with Q&A, we look at overcoming the challenges in achieving the grid connection permissions and network infrastructure that your business or community needs to achieve its mission critical projects

Webinar Request: Connections reform on the route to Net Zero – July 2023

By |20 July, 2023|Connectology, Webinar|

On this webinar with Q&A, Renewable UK, ENA, NGESO, RWE and Roadnight Taylor discuss connections reform, and what developers need to be thinking about for their projects

Webinar Watch: Connections reform on the route to Net Zero

By |20 July, 2023|Webinar|

Webinar: Connections reform on the route to Net Zero with Renewable UK, NGESO, RWE and Roadnight Taylor to understand the implications of queue management and connections reform, and what developers need to be thinking about for their projects

Webinar Watch: Grid connection feasibility studies (distribution)

By |01 June, 2023|Connectology, Webinar|

Webinar: On this webinar with Q&A, Pete Aston and Philip Bale will set out the incremental steps that they take, as Roadnight Taylor Connectologists® in seeking to make a project work on any given part of the network.

Webinar Watch: SCR shovel ready and existing schemes

By |18 January, 2023|Connectology, Webinar|

Free webinar: Game or be gamed? Opportunities and risks for investors in shovel ready developments and owners of existing generation and storage schemes under the new grid connection charging regime game - the Significant Code Review (SCR)

Webinar Request: Grid consenting your hyper scale demand ambitions

By |09 November, 2022|Connectology, Webinar|

Request a recording of our free webinar to hear our Connectologists® explain the common challenges in getting permission to connect to the grid at extra-high voltage and at transmission – and how to overcome them

Webinar Watch: Grid consenting your electric fleet ambitions

By |19 October, 2022|Connectology, Webinar|

Grid-consenting your electric fleet ambitions 19 October 2022 The running time is one hour Summary: Webinar #2 in a series of 3 Common challenges in getting permission to connect large-scale electric vehicle charging to the grid – and how to overcome them. More and more organisations are seeking to invest in electric vehicle charging infrastructure, but are increasingly struggling to achieve their aspirations due to grid connection challenges. In this webinar Catherine Cleary and Nikki Pillinger – two of our elite Connectologists® – outlined the key steps [...]

Webinar Request: Grid consenting your behind the meter ambitions

By |05 October, 2022|Connectology, Webinar|

Request a link for our free webinar to hear our Connectologists® explain the common challenges in getting permission to connect large-scale, on-site generation and storage to the grid – and how to overcome them.

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