We are the leading consultancy dedicated to achieving timely grid connections, at least cost and risk, to the GB electricity networks.

The decarbonisation and growth of our economy depends entirely on the deployment of smart and affordable network solutions and infrastructure, where and when they are needed.  This is where we focus our significant influence.

In this arena, the correlation between expertise and outcomes is direct.  As such, day-in-day-out, we tangibly and demonstrably help major market participants to accelerate the UK’s transition away from fossil fuels and towards a higher-growth economy.

Our achievements are measured by our clients’ successes, which are some five times that of the connections market as a whole.  We are, unarguably, best-in-class.

What makes us ‘best-in-class’?

Whilst our technical, commercial and regulatory expertise itself is market-leading, without engendering the complete trust of our clients, we would not be empowering them to make the game-changing decisions they must make to out-perform their peers.  Such trust can only come from the strength of the relationships that our people build.

Our engineers and consultants bring together over seventy years of stellar network experience to apply our unrivalled combination of technical, commercial, and regulatory connections expertise – wielded with the emotional intelligence and soft skills necessary to bring the very best out of our clients and our network operator colleagues alike.  Our operations, finance and business development teams provide them with a robust, safe, efficient, happy and profitable platform from which to consistently deliver extraordinary results for our clients.

To make any given client’s project work, there are often grid-related barriers to overcome.  The most important resource that makes these game-changing differences happen is our influence.  We invest in our relationships with network operators’ engineering and management teams – and boards of directors – to build trust, respect and political capital.  We spend this valuable resource on our clients’ behalf.  As acknowledged thought-leaders in our field, we regularly engage with both Ofgem and BEIS to further our clients’ cause.

Our commercial independence from any Network Operator gives us freedom to escalate to the regulator, on behalf of our clients, wherever appropriate.  Our independence from any developer or investor allows us to manage conflicts professionally and ethically as and when they arise – and gives our clients confidence that whenever we are representing them, we will have their interests 100% at heart.

Our connections success rate is some five times greater than that of the market as a whole.  Everybody involved enjoys the success we engender – our clients, our people and the Network Operators’ teams themselves.  This success is self-perpetuating.

Developer Services case study – Novus

Landowner Services case study – Tiln Farm

Some of our clients

Current Projects
export capacity secured in Current Projects
Connection application success rate

Greatest impact on a single client

Accepted connection offers
MW (at distribution alone)
years to achieve that

Our team of elite connections specialists – Connectologists® – help the royalty of clean growth to outperform their peers, through acquiring viable distribution and transmission network connections faster, at lower risk – and for less cost.

In connectology® they share their knowledge and expertise. Through written articles, videos, webinars and podcasts, we post simple explainers of technical terms for ‘network newbies’ through to news, insight and thought leadership on the evolving connections landscape.

Connectologists® help your team outperform your competitors

Pete Aston Roadnight Taylor

Pete Aston

Specialist Connections Engineer

Headed WPD’s EHV design team, led its ANM rollout, transmission boundary processes with National Grid and responsibility for >500 EHV connection offers per annum

Catherine Cleary

Catherine Cleary

Specialist Connections Engineer

MEng from Oxford, research at Princeton, headed grid teams at TNEI and GRIDSERVE, led advice to Ofgem, HS2, DfT and  >500 distribution and  transmission connections

Philip Bale

Philip Bale

Specialist Connections Engineer

Headed WPD’s East Mids EHV design team, led four WPD/Ofgem innovation projects, including 1st ANM scheme and curtailment assessment model, and managed 145 EHV connections

Nikki Pillinger Roadnight Taylor

Nikki Pillinger

Specialist Connections Manager

MSc in Energy Policy, headed grid teams at GRIDSERVE and British Solar Renewables, spearheaded the origination, de-risking, project management and energisation of a significant number of connections

Kyle Murchie

Kyle Murchie

Specialist Connections Engineer

Masters in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, led grid engineering teams and influential roles at SSEN Transmission, SSE Thermal, Electricity North West, UK Power Networks and TNEI Services.

Some of our Connectology® insight

  • Last chance to secure your demand grid connections
  • Grid Connections Reform Webinar 4
  • Modo Energy Podcast with Catherine Cleary

the connectologist®

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