Grid Connection Feasibility Study
for Developers and Investors

Pursuing an unviable site may only cost £thousands in wasted site acquisition resource, but the opportunity cost – backing a winner elsewhere – will be £millions


Where Roadnight Taylor can help

By avoiding unviable sites you’ll:

  • Save on in-house and external site finder costs

  • Save on failed connection application fees

  • Save on legal and professional fees

  • Free up cash and resource to focus on viable sites

By focusing on viable sites you’ll:

  • Accept more connection offers

  • Enter into more option agreements

  • Achieve planning consent on more sites

  • Reach financial close on more schemes

The difference in numbers:

  • More than 2.5GW of viable connection offers per annum

  • >80% of connection offers accepted

  • Hundreds of wasted applications avoided

  • Five times the application success rate of the market

The technical, commercial or regulatory key that will unlock the grid at transmission or distribution level – and so the potential in a site – is often obscured from all but those with the very deepest of expertise.  Finding it can be worth £millions.

The technical, commercial or regulatory key that will unlock  the grid – and so the potential in a site – is often obscured from all but those with the very deepest of expertise.  Finding it can be worth £millions.

The challenge

  • Nationally, about 15% of HV and EHV generation connection offers are accepted by developers, in part because:

  • Many applications are submitted on the wrong part of the network because:

    • developers rely on network operators’ heat maps; and
    • developers rely on budget estimates; but
    • heat maps and budget estimates give as many false positives as they do false negatives
  • As frequently, the wrong application is submitted on the right part of the network

  • DNO System Planners have neither the time nor the authority to find and advise you of a connection solution – pre application – in spite of most having the inclination

  • It stands to reason that System Planners would not all have the combination of technical, commercial and regulatory expertise and experience – and the tenacity – to consistently identify a technically feasible and cost-viable connection

The solution

Working at both transmission and distribution levels, we carry out a thorough, skilled, detailed and efficient study of publicly-available network data in order to rapidly deduce whether a technically-feasible and commercially-viable connection can be achieved – and, as appropriate, liaise with the relevant network operator’s System Planner to augment our study and gain additional network intelligence.

Short of carrying out a feasibility study for many £thousands – and in a timeframe that works for few serious developers  – DNO and TO System Planners are unable to do this work.  Few developers, if any, have the necessary in-house capability to deliver the requisite results.

Our feasibility studies are trusted and valued by a rollcall of the UK’s leading energy scheme developers – the smart money. Some leading developers have built substantial pipelines via our feasibility service.

Jake Dunn

“Roadnight Taylor’s specialist engineers have carried out a number of feasibility studies for Vattenfall’s schemes, giving us an incredibly high success-rate.

Significantly, for me, is their ability to take our vision and commercial creativity, and deliver viable, sophisticated connection solutions for complex, multi-technology colocation projects (wind, solar, storage and hydrogen electrolysis). They are extraordinary.”

Jake Dunn, leading UK expert in co-location 
Commercial Development Manager, Vattenfall Wind Power

Who does the work?

Our extraordinary team of Connectologists® have the hands-on technical, commercial and regulatory experience of the highest order – having held responsibility for many thousands of EHV offers and applications.  They are tenacious, diligent, self-assured and professional – and they are on your side.

Some of our current developer feasibility study projects

  • Solar Transmission

750MW solar and 350MW battery storage for a developer in Lincolnshire

  • Solar Transmission

45MW solar for a developer in Aberdeenshire

  • Solar Transmission

240MW solar for a developer in Leicestershire

50MW wind and 50MW hydrogen for a developer in Lancashire

  • Solar Transmission

45MW solar for a developer in Aberdeenshire

  • Current Projects - Developer - Battery Storage

70MW battery storage for a developer in West Yorkshire